Covering Acton and surrounding areas

How To Move Home Safely

During the current corona crisis, moving home has become just a little more complicated. Don’t panic, though, with a little pre-planning it doesn’t have to be too stressful. Fortunately, many of the property industry’s professional bodies have come together to produce a very helpful guide on how to move home safely.

Mortgage valuations, home surveys and energy assessments

Most mortgage valuations and all home survey inspections and energy assessments will require surveyors to inspect your property in person. Surveyors will minimise time spent at the property, however depending on the service and your requirements, they may need to spend a longer time inspecting different parts of the property. 

Checklist for moving day during COVID-19

You can reduce moving day stress by preparing beforehand. 

Most removal services will now offer packing services but you and your household should also try and do as much of it as you can yourselves. 

A ‘deep clean’ is recommended when moving in and out of a property, so it’s a good idea to agree with your property lawyer whether you need to do a deep clean on your own home when it is empty, and also whether you need to do this in your new home before you move in.  

Vulnerable people or those shielding

If you are in this category, please seek medical advice on whether your move should take place as during this period the government advice is “staying at home and avoiding unnecessary contacts over this period, if at all possible.” 

They also suggest that “All parties involved in home buying and selling should prioritise agreeing amicable arrangements to change move dates for individuals in this group, or where someone in a chain is in this group.” 

Please read the advice for vulnerable people or those shielding in the ‘Government advice on home moving during the covid-19 outbreak’. 

Before moving day: 

1. If you need to send money to your property lawyer check whether your bank account has any limit on the amount you can send via your online banking. If you arrange the payments in advance you can avoid a visit to your bank. Be alert to fraudsters – they look for signs you might be sending money so avoid posting on social media that you are moving and be especially suspicious if you receive communication that suggests your property lawyer has changed their bank details. 
2. Self-pack miscellaneous and non-breakable items wherever possible (ask your removal company what boxes and other materials they will supply and to itemise any associated costs). 
3. Where possible, clean your belongings with standard domestic cleaning products before they are handled by others, including removal firms. 
4. Wherever possible, dismantle furniture items for packing, and then re-assemble at your new home. 
5. Co-ordinate your move with anyone living in the property so they will have time to move out before you or your removers arrive at the property. Check if there is an agreed time for the property to become vacant on the day of the move, for example 2pm. 
6. If possible, allow 72 hours between a householder moving out and a new one moving in. This is more likely when renting. 

Try to have everything packed and ready the night before your move. 

On moving day, before the removers arrive: 

If you haven’t already, clean your belongings with standard domestic cleaning products before they are handled by others, including removal firms . 
1. Ideally leave the property while the removers are working, either by staying outside, or keeping yourself to one room. Always observe the two metre social distancing measures. If you have access to disposable gloves, sanitising gels and possibly masks, please use them. 
2. Clean down hard surfaces with warm soapy water, then disinfect these surfaces with household disinfectant. 
3. Wipe down door handles/handrails/lift controls and other ‘touch points’ with household disinfectant (check first that it won’t damage the surfaces). 
4. Clean and wash toilet facilities as above. 
5. Keep windows open to allow ventilation. 
6. Have one designated bathroom, if possible, just for the crew to use. Place soap and hand – sanitiser within easy reach. Clean and wash the area as noted above. 
7. Open a loft hatch or set up a loft ladder. 
8. Ensure pets and children are out of the property or keep them in the same room as you. 
9. Wash your hands regularly, use paper towels to dry them and/or your own hand sanitiser. 

Remember – any keys handed over need to be sanitised by using hand sanitisers, or via disinfectant wipes. 

Note that it will not be possible for crew members to keep a full 2m distance during your move from each other, but you should keep a 2m social distance from them. 

If you’re moving home in any of the areas the areas where we operate in – Acton, Chiswick, & Hammersmith – and need some practical help or guidance, just give us a call.